ASME's Mechanical Engine…ing Toolkit 1997 December
ASME's Mechanical Engineering Toolkit 1997 December.iso
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Assembly Source File
70 lines
; Equipment Configuration Library
_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' ; Place the code in the code segment
assume CS:_TEXT ; Assume the CS register points to it
; _keyRd()
; Function: Return the next key pressed. The ASCII value (if any) is in the
; lower byte; the scan code is in the upper byte. If the key doesn't have
; an ASCII value, the lower byte is zero.
; Algorithm: Call ROM BIOS read key function of the keyboard interrupt.
public _keyRd ; Routine is available to other modules
_keyRd proc near ; NEAR type subroutine
mov ah,0 ; Function 0: read key
int 16H ; Call the ROM BIOS with interrupt 16 (keybd)
ret ; Return to calling program
_keyRd endp ; End of subroutine
; _keyChk(&keyPtr)
; Function: Return TRUE if there is a key press waiting, and if so, return
; the key in the location pointed to by keyPtr; if there is no key waiting,
; return FALSE. *keyPtr is set to the same value that would be returned
; from keyRd, but the key press is not actually read; keyRd must be called
; to remove it from the queue.
; Algorithm: Call ROM BIOS key check function of the keyboard interrupt.
public _keyChk ; Routine is available to other modules
keyPtr = 4 ; The offset to the keyPtr parameter
_keyChk proc near ; NEAR type subroutine
push bp ; Save the BP register
mov bp,sp ; Set BP to SP, to get at the parameters
mov ah,1 ; Function 1: check for key press
int 16H ; Call the ROM BIOS with interrupt 16 (keybd)
mov bx,[bp+keyPtr] ; Save the key, if there is any
mov [bx],ax
mov ax,0 ; Assume not key (i.e., return FALSE)
jz noKey ; Branch if no key
mov ax,1 ; Otherwise return TRUE
noKey: pop bp ; Restore the BP register
ret ; Return to calling program
_keyChk endp ; End of subroutine
; _keyShf()
; Function: Return the current state of the shift keys and toggled modes.
; See the main text of the chapter for details on the format of the word
; returned.
; Algorithm: Call ROM BIOS get keyboard state function of the keyboard
; interrupt.
public _keyShf ; Routine is available to other modules
_keyShf proc near ; NEAR type subroutine
mov ah,2 ; Function 2: get keyboard state
int 16H ; Call the ROM BIOS with interrupt 16 (keybd)
ret ; Return to calling program
_keyShf endp ; End of subroutine
_TEXT ends ; End of code segment
end ; End of assembly code